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SM23: Developing and using a unique test facility for façade and HVAC systems. The University of Wollongong’s Building Insights Facility

ARBS Seminar Series
Thursday, May 30, 2024
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Australia relies on HVAC systems to provide thermal comfort in our buildings. These HVAC+R systems have huge impact national impact on health, productivity, the economy and the environment. Nationally and internationally there is a growing need for rigorous scientific test data on: HVAC equipment performance, facade performance and Indoor Environment Quality. The University of Wollongong’s Building Insights Facility (BIF) is a unique multi-function test facility able to carry out applied testing on: HVAC systems, façade thermal performance, indoor environment quality, and environmental testing of housing modules. All of these functions are delivered in a single facility by elegant design combining a unique usage of HVAC+R systems, control, insulated chamber, structural design and materials handling equipment. All of which had to be integrated with the restrictions of the host building – the Sustainable Buildings Research Centre. This presentation will have two main parts. Firstly it outline the design processes, construction and operation involved in the development this unique facility. It will particularly focus on the challenges of developing this unique world class research facility and how local expertise innovatively applied existing equipment and technology to deliver a test facility with flexibility unequalled worldwide. Secondly it will outline the latest experimental findings examining performance of facades and HVAC devices. This will be of interest to designers and engineers interested in the interaction of façade and HVAC systems, those developing industrial and HVAC test facilities and interested in the latest research testing capabilities. Seminar Cost - $40


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Dr Craig McLauchlan
Research Facilities Manager
University of Wollongong

Developing and using a unique test facility for façade and HVAC systems. The University of Wollongong’s Building Insights Facility


Dr Craig McLauchlan is the Research facilities Manager at the Sustainable Buildings Research Centre. He is responsible for the operations and management of the SBRC building and its laboratories. Since 2011 he has played a key role in the commissioning of the SBRC building and drove the construction, installation and operation of the research equipment within the SBRC laboratories. This has culminated in the design and project management of the new $2.5M ‘Building Insights Facility’, a unique world-class facility for thermal testing of building facades and air conditioning systems now entering the final stages of completion.