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SM12: NCC2025 & AS 1668.2 update

ARBS Seminar Series
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Room E3.9


SOLD OUT Erica will present an overview of proposed changes to the next edition of the National Construction Code. The National Construction Code sets the minimum required level for the safety, health, amenity, accessibility and sustainability of buildings. Between 1 May and 1 July, the Australian Building Codes Board will be seeking public comments on the proposed changes. The session will focus on changes being considered in Section J of the Code, which relates to Energy Efficiency. These include more stringent provisions for building fabric and services, mandatory onsite solar photovoltaic systems, and new provisions to facilitate future electrification of buildings with mixed fuel use. In this session, Brett will outline the proposed changes to AS 1668.2 and what they mean for you & your business. Seminar Cost - Free


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Brett Fairweather
Mechanical Engineer
It's Engineered

AS 1668.2 update


Brett Fairweather ARPEng (Mech) is a mechanical engineering consultant at It’s Engineered. Brett’s practical knowledge of HVAC Codes and Standards has developed through his voluntary roles in technical committees responsible for AS 1668.1 (Fire and Smoke Control), AS 1668.2 (Mechanical ventilation in buildings) and AS 1668.4 (Natural ventilation of buildings). He also represents a number of industry bodies with advice relating to compliance reforms and in the delivery of seminars and training related to mechanical ventilation, fire and smoke control and maintenance of essential mechanical systems. Brett has also served as a Director of the ARBS Foundation since 2019.
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Erica Kenna
Assistant Manager – Policy and Analysis (Energy Efficiency)
Australian Building Codes Board

NCC2025 Update


Erica works in the Policy and Analysis team at the Australian Building Codes Board. Erica is an energy efficiency specialist with over 20 years experience, having worked previously in the Commonwealth’s commercial building energy policy team, and as a consultant delivering energy ratings, audits, new building design reviews for NABERS Commitment Agreements, and energy efficiency upgrade projects.